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 2010 Options (pour info)

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Nombre de messages : 18561
Age : 53
Localisation : Valenciennes
équipe : Red Sox + Vipères de Valenciennes
Date d'inscription : 30/09/2006

2010 Options (pour info) Empty
MessageSujet: 2010 Options (pour info)   2010 Options (pour info) EmptyLun Déc 29 2008, 23:30

2010 Options :

Today let's take a look at the 2010 options - there are 36 of them, as far as I can tell. Do you agree with these groupings?

Likely To Be Exercised
Josh Beckett (30) - $12MM club option with a $2MM buyout
Carl Crawford (28 ) - $10MM club option with a $1.25MM buyout
Akinori Iwamura (31) - $4.25MM club option with a $250K buyout
Cliff Lee (31) - $8MM club option with a $1MM buyout
Victor Martinez (31) - $7MM club option with a $250K buyout
Magglio Ordonez (36) - $15MM club/vesting option with a $3MM buyout (will probably vest)
Matt Thornton (33) - $2.25MM club option with a $250K buyout
Brandon Webb (31) - $8.5MM club option with a $500K+ buyout

To Be Determined
Doug Brocail (43) - $2.85MM club option with a $250K buyout
Coco Crisp (30) - $8MM club option with a $500K buyout
Alan Embree (40) - $3MM club option with a $250K buyout
Pedro Feliz (35) - $5MM club option with a $500K buyout
Ryan Franklin (37) - $2.75MM club option with a $250K buyout
Ramon Hernandez (34) - $8.5MM club option with a $1MM buyout
Masahide Kobayashi (36) - $3.25MM club option with a $250K buyout
Kevin Millwood (35) - Rangers can decline $12MM salary for '10 unless he reaches 180 innings in '09
Melvin Mora (38 ) - club option
Miguel Olivo (31) - $3.25MM mutual option
Vicente Padilla (32) - $12MM club option with a $1.75MM buyout
J.J. Putz (33) - $8.6MM club option with a $1MM buyout
Luis Vizcaino (35) - $4MM club option with a $500K buyout
Tim Wakefield (43) - perpetual $4MM club option
Jack Wilson (32) - $8.4MM club option with a $600K buyout

Unlikely To Be Exercised
Rafael Betancourt (35) - $5.4MM club option
Jermaine Dye (36) - $12MM mutual option with a $1MM buyout (unlikely that both sides will exercise)
Adam Eaton (32) - $9MM mutual option with a $500K buyout
Ross Gload (34) - $2.6MM club option
Alex Gonzalez (32) - $6MM mutual option with a $500K buyout
Tim Hudson (34) - $12MM mutual option with a $1MM buyout
Geoff Jenkins (35) - $7.5MM mutual option with a $1.25MM buyout
Austin Kearns (30) - $10MM club option with a $1MM buyout
Freddy Sanchez (32) - $8MM club option with a $600K buyout
Yorvit Torrealba (31) - $4MM mutual option with a $500K buyout
Billy Wagner (38 ) - $8MM club option with a $1MM buyout
Yasuhiko Yabuta (37) - $4MM club option with a $500K buyout
Dmitri Young (36) -$6MM option vests with 500 PAs in '09
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