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 Les white sox à la maison blanche

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3 participants

Nombre de messages : 2348
Age : 35
Localisation : Chacal SARL
équipe : Bandits de Nogent sur Marne
Date d'inscription : 19/11/2005

Les white sox à la maison blanche Empty
MessageSujet: Les white sox à la maison blanche   Les white sox à la maison blanche EmptyMar Fév 14 2006, 01:56

Les white sox à la maison blanche 99400487_80867f1bf2
C'etait aujourd'hui. Dya et konerko remettent ici un jersey et une casquette a Bush, qui apparement avait mangé un clown ce jour la ...

news en anglais du chicago tribune...
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Carlos Beltran
Administrateur Strikeout
Administrateur Strikeout
Carlos Beltran

Nombre de messages : 10006
Age : 40
Date d'inscription : 18/11/2005

Les white sox à la maison blanche Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Les white sox à la maison blanche   Les white sox à la maison blanche EmptyMar Fév 14 2006, 02:01

il faut etre enregistré pour lire ? bizarre.

Effectivement bush a l'air content ... abruti ... Laughing
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Nombre de messages : 2348
Age : 35
Localisation : Chacal SARL
équipe : Bandits de Nogent sur Marne
Date d'inscription : 19/11/2005

Les white sox à la maison blanche Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Les white sox à la maison blanche   Les white sox à la maison blanche EmptyMar Fév 14 2006, 02:13

nan chez moi ca marche niquel scratch

tiens si ca marche pas colle ca dans word pour l'avoir en grand ...

White Sox visit White House

By Mark Silva
Washington Bureau
Published February 13, 2006, 3:08 PM CST

WASHINGTON -- The last time the Chicago White Sox had won the World Series -- in 1917 -- Woodrow Wilson was president.

This time, with a former Major League Baseball team co-owner occupying the White House, President Bush welcomed the 2005 World Series champion White Sox to the chandeliered East Room of the mansion today for a long-awaited Washington victory lap.

"After 88 years of waiting, the White Sox have earned the right to be called world champs," said Bush, standing before three rows of 17 players assembled on risers.

"It's a big deal to have you here," said Bush. "Everybody was pulling on the same rope—that's why you're world champs."

Calling it a true team effort that captured the silver trophy resting on a table behind him, Bush suggested that none of the team's players was "off the charts."

Indeed, team General Manager Ken Williams was echoing the president's sentiments as Williams stood outside on the driveway of the West Wing after the brief ceremony, with Williams calling the championship team "regular, grind-it-out type guys who won a championship at the highest level."

Mayor Richard Daley and Illinois' two Democratic senators, Barack Obama and Dick Durbin, sat in the front row of an audience snapping electronic memoirs with tiny digital cameras and cell phones.

Conspicuous for his absence: team manager Ozzie Guillen. But the president brushed off his absence as a much-needed vacation: "I understand Ozzie is on vacation, which I fully understand," said Bush, alluding to the crusty snow on the chilly White House lawn by saying: "He's a Caribbean guy."

Acknowledging some of his Cabinet members in the East Room audience, Bush said: "I thought you told me all you are Red Sox fans... My question to most of these folks is, 'Were you White Sox fans at the beginning of the season?'"

Bush, who was managing partner of the Texas Rangers before he served as governor of Texas, suggested that the Bush family is among the Johnny Came Latelies to the White Sox fan club.

He was getting firsthand reports from the World Series games from his parents in the front row: "I'm not gonna tell you who they were rooting for, but it didn't have much effect on the outcome of the season."

As players and managers filed from the White House to the snowy lawn out front, few seemed to mind that a team that took so long to get here was not everyone's favorite to win the series from the start.

"Obviously, he's a baseball guy," catcher A.J. Pierzynski said of Bush. "A lot of people jumped on the White Sox bandwagon. ... We'll take him. We'll take the president."

Copyright © 2006, Chicago Tribune
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Carlos Beltran
Administrateur Strikeout
Administrateur Strikeout
Carlos Beltran

Nombre de messages : 10006
Age : 40
Date d'inscription : 18/11/2005

Les white sox à la maison blanche Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Les white sox à la maison blanche   Les white sox à la maison blanche EmptyMar Fév 14 2006, 02:14

Ouai jte jure chez moi il me dit, register ? Laughing

merci bien Wink

effectivement il était en force ce con ...
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Nombre de messages : 574
Age : 33
Localisation : Val-d'Or QC, Canada
équipe : Mariners !
Date d'inscription : 19/11/2005

Les white sox à la maison blanche Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Les white sox à la maison blanche   Les white sox à la maison blanche EmptyMer Fév 15 2006, 02:33

je crois qu'Ozzie Guillen, le coach n'étais pas la
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MessageSujet: Re: Les white sox à la maison blanche   Les white sox à la maison blanche Empty

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