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 Dale Murphy parle des steroides

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2 participants

Nombre de messages : 2348
Age : 35
Localisation : Chacal SARL
équipe : Bandits de Nogent sur Marne
Date d'inscription : 19/11/2005

Dale Murphy parle des steroides Empty
MessageSujet: Dale Murphy parle des steroides   Dale Murphy parle des steroides EmptyLun Fév 26 2007, 23:12

Un article sur ESPN Insider, je vous le mets ici vu qu'il faut payer pour le lire. C'est en anglais je sais.
En gros Murphy (ancien joueur des Braves, 2 fois MVP en 82-83) dit qu'il croit que Bonds/Sosa/McGwire se sont dopés, et que ce dernier ne mérite pas le Hall of fame. Oui juste ca mais venant d'un joueur comme lui ca jette encore un pavé dans la mare deja bien remplie ...


Now that the media horde is gone, Sammy Sosa is back at work, writes Jan Hubbard, and everything is close to normal. Or at least it was before Dale Murphy, a former star with an impeccable reputation, said on the radio on Sunday that he believes Sosa and other stars used performance-enhancing drugs.

From his interview with Holden Kushner of XM Radio:
Kushner: "One guy that's trying to make a comeback right now, Sammy Sosa, do you think Sammy Sosa used performance enhancing drugs?"
Dale Murphy: "Yeah, I think so."
HK: "Barry Bonds?"
DM: "Yeah, I think so."
HK: "What do you think your reaction will be if and when Barry Bonds breaks Hank Aaron's all-time home run record?"
DM: "Well, I'm not that excited about it. Let me put it this way, when Cal Ripken broke Lou Gehrig's record, I pulled my kids into the living room, and said, 'You gotta see this.' This is not going to happen with Barry. It doesn't mean anything to me, ya know, Barry is a great talent, and would have been a great talent without getting involved in this kind of stuff, in steroids, and all the stuff like that. People have said, 'Dale, he hasn't failed a drug test.' That doesn't matter to me anymore, it's what I see, what I've read, what I've heard, and what I can see with my eyes, that's my opinion, and a lot other people have that opinion as well. You get back to the record; he's a Hall of Fame player and would have hit a lot of home runs without it, and now that he's breaking the record, I don't think he went about it the right way."
HK: "A final name then, Mark McGwire, and if you think he used performance enhancing drugs, do you think he belongs in the Hall of Fame?"
DM: "I think he did. Anybody who watched the testimony, it's just not a great leap to say it's kind of obvious. Bottom line is, yeah, I think he did [use performance enhancing drugs]. I think he got some bad advice because now we're just kind of looking at him and saying, 'We obviously know you won't address it.' I think there's ways for Mark McGwire to address this issue and to help baseball, and to reach out to kids ... Hall of Fame, I don't think so, I wouldn't vote for someone who I felt was involved with that."
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Award d'honneur 2007
Award d'honneur 2007

Nombre de messages : 6142
Age : 41
Localisation : Seattle
équipe : Seattle Mariners, Patriots de Paris
Date d'inscription : 06/02/2006

Dale Murphy parle des steroides Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dale Murphy parle des steroides   Dale Murphy parle des steroides EmptyMar Fév 27 2007, 13:17

En tout cas, j'aurais fait pareil que Dale Murphy. Si j'avais des enfants, je ne les installerai pas devant la télé pour voir "l'hypothétique" 756ème homerun de Barry Bonds. Par contre, je l'aurais volontier installé dans le canapé du salon pour voir le record de Lou Gehrig battu par Mister Cal Ripken Jr, c'est évident !
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